Tuesday, September 8, 2015

So how is school?

                               "So how is school?"

Some people ask . "Hmm, oh oops did you say anything . I was just thinking that school is boring so I didn't really here you." I say . Okay I guess I like school , but there is one thing I really hate is math. Yeah M-A-T-H it is boring . I think school and life would be better if there was no math, but maybe that is just me. I mean I love writing and being creative , but in my class I mean we at least do more of creativity then other classes but still . I mean I love sewing ( that's what my last post was about) and they don't sew in my class I'm not sure about yours. So now you know school is going okay but I barely have any time to do other stuff that I love. Summer , oh I miss that word and how it brought that excitement and everybody would have fun. Well ever sense something called school started( and I'm sure you know what that is) there is still fun but not as much of the fun I was having . I miss the beach, dressing up, eating ice cream, doughnuts, the pool, and picking flowers. School is fun , because my teacher said that we were going to build a model of a treehouse, now that is what I wish school is like all the time!!!

1 comment:

  1. Sarah I can't see you not liking math but then I guess its rare to like math I miss you and summer to. :-) Kaycee
